Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Barclay Biking on the Bridge

Hello to you three following the blog and a very Happy Boxing Day!! This morning we got up, had a nice workout, and went out to ride some bikes around the city. We almost died a few times as there was increased confusion if we should be on the sidewalk or not, as well as riding on the wrong side (damn Brits) of the street.

The bike ride took us through some quaint London neighborhoods, over the London Tower/Bridge and eventually to the London Eye. Of course we are too broke to consider riding it ($30/each person) so we will be skipping that attraction. The cycle hire ride was a bit nippy so we found refuge in a local cafe where each coffee drink we were served included a shot glass of M&M's for some reason (?). 

Notice the reflection? 

This will remain a brief posting as we have a date with the Queen just across the river at Buckingham Palace for tea and crumpets in the next hour or so. And yes, we will post some photos with the red clothed guards with silly hats this evening. Cheers!!

1 comment:

  1. Being you were on bikes, it was probably a good thing you had shots of M&M's vs something else! :)
