Thursday, December 27, 2012

Parisian Etiquette: Part Un

Hello! Our first stint in London ended with walking over four miles with our entire packs on to test our endurance. We needed to recover with a few beers and some more fish and chips. 

Killing time in pubs eating fish & chips, mushy peas

As you would assume we made it safely to Paris. It wasn't but two minutes off the train before people were extremely rude to us. Multiple times, as expected in ol' Paris. The charm of the city (and the delicious cheap wines!) more than outweighs the rudeness of the typical Parisian. 

Hotel Beaugrenelle St Charles!
Everything was closed for dinner so we stopped at a local market and grabbed two bottles of wine, a fromage wheel, pack of salamis, a bottle opener and a fresh baguette for $17. Dinner served. We took it to the park and ate with the view of the Eiffel Tower until we became way too cold and Hallie was afraid of getting thrown in foreign prison for sipping on Bordeaux in the park. 

Tour de Eiffel

More adventures from Paris to come tomorrow! 

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