Sunday, December 23, 2012

It Begins

Hey everyone! If you are wondering what this is about, we are going on an overly ambitious trip throughout Europe to celebrate me finishing up graduate school and Hallie just finishing her first term. If you are wondering what the name is about, apparently the McDonald's Dollar Menu across Europe is aptly named the "EuroSaver" menu.

Cheese Toast anyone?

Being as how we are both embarrassingly broke, can't actually afford this trip, and probably won't be able to survive on anything but this menu for 24 days, we figured this would be much too fitting of a blog title. 

Here is a link to our proposed itinerary so if we aren't updating this you can follow along:

We of course have no idea how often we will have time or access to wifi to post updates to our journey, but we will diligently make every attempt at appeasing all three of you following this blog. As an indication of how entertaining this should be - we both leave within the next 16 hours and neither of us have packed a thing or have any idea what we are going to be able to shove in our backpacks. 

I hope you all get as much amusement out of our haphazard and poorly planned trip as we will!! 

Traveling begins in t-minus 16 hours...


  1. I'm excited for you guys and can't wait to follow the journey of The EuroSavers! Have fun and stay safe. Merry Christmas ~ Love you guys, K & J
